
December 2024:
Concertes and livestream with Max.bab featuring Marc Muellbauer and Attila Muehl at Unterfahrt. (© Mareike Bayer)

December 2023:
Concerts and livestream with Max.bab featuring Josh Ginsburg and Attila Muehl at Unterfahrt. (© Mareike Bayer)

April 2022:
Concert at Orania Kreuzberg with Glymmar. (© Paul B Keeves)

December 2021:
Concerts and livestream with Max.bab at Unterfahrt. (© Unterfahrt)

March 2021:
Livestream conzert with Henning Sieverts and Jonas Burgwinkel. (© Thomas Krebs)

February 2020:
Concert at Schloss Bellevue (Berlin) with Cyminology and Martin Stegner. (© Bundesregierung / Jesco Denzel)

November 2019:
Koncerts in Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi (Pakistan) with Cyminology. (© Asiph Mehmood up)

September 2019:
Koncerts in Accra Ghana with Dela Botri, Maxwell Lagati, Bernard Ayisa and the Victor Dey Jr. Band.

July 2018:
Concerts in Sao Paulo at JazzB with Daniel de Paula and Bruno Migotto and in Rio de Janeiro at TribOz with Andre Froes and Augusto Mattoso.

April 2018:
Concerts in Madrid at Cafe Central with Antonio Miguel and Shayan Fatih. (© Javier Gonzalez, © Pepe)

January 2018:
Max.bab recording session "Wild Pitch" in Poland

December 2017:
Concert in Berlin in the ZDF Heute Journal: Cyminology.

November 2017:
Koncert in Istanbul: Henning Sieverts and Jonas Burgwinkel. (© Deniz Capa)

October 2017:
Concerts in Paris and Lyon: Antonio Miguel and Owen Howard. (© Yves Dorison,

September 2017:
Solo concert in Tehran, Show Of Hands Festival. (© Hassan Motahari and others)

September 2017:
Concert in Brasov Rumania: Josh Ginsburg and Peter Gall. (© Diana Bobes)

Juni 2017:
Concert in Penzberg of JOB: Omar Calvo and Jonas Burgwinkel. (© Peter Rasor)

March 2017:
Concert in Luxemburg: Cymin Samawatie, Ralf Schwarz and Tobi Backhaus. (© André Henrot,

February 2017:
Triotour in Koeln "The Invariant" feat. Owen Howard and Antonio Miguel. (© Gerhard Richter)

January 2017:
Konzert in Istanbul: Cymin Samawatie, Martin Stegner, Ralf Schwarz, Tobi Backhaus und Korhan Erel. (© Burak Sülünbaz)

June 2016:
Concert at Jazz Baltica at Timmendorfer Strand: Cymin Samawatie, Martin Stegner, Ralf Schwarz and Tobi Backhaus. (© Folkert Jung)

April 2016:
Concert at the Allerheiligen Hofkirche in Munich with: Cymin Samawatie, Martin Stegner, Ralf Schwarz, Tobi Backhaus und Korhan Erel. (© Michel Neumeister)

April 2016:
Recording of the new Trio Cd at Rainbow Studios Oslo with Owen Howard, Antonio Miguel, Manfred Eicher and Jan-Erik Kongshaug.

February 2016:
Benedikt Jahnel Trio in Rumania: Concerts in Cluj and Bucharest featuring Jonas Burgwinkel and Henning Sieverts. (© Fotos Ciprian Moga, Mircea Albutiu, Filip Iacob, Jonas Burgwinkel)

December 2015:
Cyminology concert in the Kammermusiksaal of the Berlin Philharmony. Here with Martin Stegner.

November 2015:
Cyminology in Japan: Soundchecks in Tokyo und Yokohama with Ralf Schwarz and Tobi Backhaus.

Oktober 2015:
On the road with Rich Perry and Anthony Pinciotti.

October 2014:
Benedikt Jahnel TRIO-Tour in Bavaria (© Fotos TJ Krebs)

Juni 2014:
Benedikt Jahnel TRIO-Tour in the US and Canada: Cornelia Street Cafe NY, Rochester Jazzfestival, Edmonton Jazzfest, Medicine Hat Jazzfest, Vancouver Jazzfestival (© Fotos (top-down-left-right): Ken Pickering for Vancouver Jazz Festival 2x, Privat 3x, Tim Fuss for Xerox Rochester Jazz Festival 2x, Privat 4x)

March 2014:
Benedikt Jahnel TRIO at Bremen Sendesaal. (© Fotos: Rolf Schoellkopf)

March 2014:
Cyminology at Rainbow Studios Oslo with Manfred Eicher. (© Fotos: Cyminology)

November 2013:
Benedikt Jahnel TRIO at Donaueschingen. (© Fotos: Holger Jung,

September 2013:
Benedikt Jahnel TRIO at Jazzfest Odessa and Vinnitsa (Ukraine). (© Fotos: Leorock,

July 2013:
Benedikt Jahnel TRIO at Jazzsummer Augsburg. (© Fotos: Herbert Heim)

Juni 2013:
Benedikt Jahnel TRIO at Jazz-Baltica. (© Fotos: Rolf Kißling)

February, March 2013:
Benedikt Jahnel TRIO on Tour in Germany With Owen Howard & Antonio Miguel here in Wolfsburg, Hilden, Hamburg and Neuburg (© Fotos: Hung, Zimmermann,, Wurm)

September / October 2012:
First part of the releasetour for EQUILIBRIUM with Owen Howard & Antonio Miguel in Essen (D) and Cologne (D) (© Fotos: Benita Schulze)

September 2012:
Cyminology Tour in Germany (© Fotos: K. Rade)

April 2012:
Max.bab concert in Paris

September 2011:
Max.bab tour in Southeastasia. Bangkok, Hanoi, HoChiMinhCity, Yangoon, Singapur, Kuala Lumpur, Bandung & Jakarta. Check also

July 2011:
Trio recording session in Lugano with Manfred Eicher

July 2011:
Cyminology at 'Jazz an der Donau' - festival

June 2011:
Cyminology in Caracas Venezuela

June 2011:
Max.bab in Madrid (© Goethe-Institut Madrid Foto: David Sirvent)

Mai 2011:
Cyminology wins national competition Creole Jazz

January 2011:
Max.bab at Unterfahrt Munich

December 2010:
Cyminology feat. Walter Seyfarth (clar) & Martin Stegner (viola) at Berlin Philharmony

April 2010:
Benedikt Jahnel TRIO on Tour in Germany

09th April 2010:
Max.bab invited by the Goetheinstitut Kasachstan playing at the Jazzfestival Almaty and in Astana

October 2009:
Benedikt Jahnel TRIO with Owen Howard (Drums) and Antonio Miguel (Bass) in Regensburg Germany

July 2009:
Presentation of Benedikts Dolby Surround 6.0 soundinstallation "Poetry of Logic" at Tacheles Kulturzentrum Berlin. Moderation: Harald Sommerfeld

June 2009:
Vernisage: "POESIE OF LOGIC" in Vienna at ZS-ART-Gallery Artists talk and presentation of the soundinstallation. The artists: Harald Plochberger, Walter Angerer and BJ; Harald and Bene standing in front of one of Haralds graphics; The Ulamspiral and guests; Benedikt in front of the graphic: PI-3000_Dozenal; Work sletches of Benedikt with red point

May 2009:
Cyminology on Tour in New York and Washington

Bene with Bass in Harlem; with Cymin, Theo Bleckman and Ben Monder after a Double-Bill-Gig at Cornelia-Street-Cafe; Radio Live gig in Jersey; Ketan setting up at Cornelia-Street-Cafe; Time Square; Bene with Brian Adler and Aidan Carroll at Puppets-Jazz in Brooklyn.

May 2009:
Max.bab Workshop with Topmanagers of the AUDI-AG entiteled: "Patternbreaking in virtuoso Teams"

April 2009:
Cyminology on tour withe the MS-Europa in Singapur, Myanmar and Inda (Andamas and Cochin)

January 2009:
Cyminology Cd release concert for 'As Ney' (ECM)

March 2009:
Cyminology in London

January 2009:
ECM Festival: Kingsplace. Session with ECM artists Garth Knox and Agnes Vesterman as well as musicians from London.

October 2008:
Cyminology EPK-video in on of the old eastern Berlin Radiostudios

Watch th whole video under

November 2008:
Bene with Cyminology in the Kaukasus Region (Armenia, Georgia; Aserbaidschan and Turkey)

View over Ankara and in the minivan in Tiflis

October 2008:
The Benedikt Jahnel Trio on Cd-Release-Tour for 'Modular Concepts'

Owen Howard - drums & Antonio Miguel - bass

April 2008:
Bene with Cyminology at Rainbow Studio in Oslo recording "As Ney"

You see: Manfred Eicher mastermind of ECM and Jan-Eric Kongshaug as Soundengineer.

December 2007:
Bene Live in Abu-Dabi and

May 2007: With Antonio Miguel and Owen Howard after the recording session for 'Modular Concepts' in New Jersey

2006: Studiosessions with Peter Ehwald, Matt Aronoff and Clarence Penn

2007: Studiosessions with Peter Ehwald, Matt Aronoff, Sara Caswell, Jeremy Kittel, Kenny Wang, Stephan Braun and Dan Weiss for 'Double Quartet'

Mai 2007: Bene in New York

At soundcheck in "Joes Pub" in Midtown. Under the Brooklynbridge in Brooklyn video shooting for 3SAT.

2007: Live with Cyminology in Amman and at Popocamp

December 2007: Three-week tour with Cyminology in the middle east

Heer: Cairo and Dubai

Summer 2006: Cyminology in Nikosia (Cypres)

Bene at airport. Bene and Ralf Schwarz.

Summer 2005: Cyminology in Berlin

2006: With Cyminology

Mai 2007: At Carnegie Hall

With fellow musicians from the DAAD

June 2005: With Max.bab featuring David Friedman

July 2005: With Max.bab featuring Wolfgang Muthspiel at Unterfahrt Munich

Summer 2007: Max.bab at Montreal Jazzfestival; Smmer 2007: Max.bab at Jazzbaltica

Summer 2005: Max.bab with Charlie Mariano; Summer 2004: Max.bab with string-tentet at Blackbox Munich

2005 /06: At City College with fellow students and John Patittucci

Herbst 2006: With Peter Ehwald on the roof of I-House New York

Claremont-Av. and 122th street

Fall 2005: With rhodes at Popcamp

2005: With Cyminology in Kiel

2005 - 07: In New York

Live-Session at I-House. Herr with Dennis Gäbel, Zach Lober and Chet Doxis

2001: Metropole Orchestra in Amsterdam with John Clayton